Saturday, August 2, 2008

Experience inviting to a study circle

This happened just last week. Since then, two more newfound seekers, another Chinese girl and a Polish man, expressed their wish to join the study circle to learn more about the Faith! We will be having our first meeting this Sunday.

We were a mixed gender team who had invited a (Chinese) friend of ours to a devotional/fireside last December which she said she had enjoyed. Since then, she had been busy until June finishing her thesis. On Friday we invited her in a message through Facebook to know what the Baha’i Faith is about, since we hadn't had the opportunity to really tell her about it. We said that, in brief, the Baha’is are engaged in building a new world civilization, and ultimately transforming the present one. We are learning to apply the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh in our personal lives and social relations in order to build a peaceful and just society. We then invited her to learn about the Faith on Sunday at a team member's place.

When she came, we gave her most of Anna's presentation. She said that she was generally not religious, but she turned out to be very open and commented positively on what we said. Then we had dinner, and afterwards brought out Ruhi book 1 to give her a taster. We briefly told her its purpose, opened the book to the first exercises of unit one, and did three of the questions. Then we skipped to the part on prayer and answered the first couple of questions together. We asked if she would be willing to participate in a study circle starting next weekend, to which she agreed, and even suggested we have it at her place!

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